Drabble · Today is the Best Day

Today is the Best Day

Because I defeated an old nemesis. Thanks to G, I’ve been a little under the weather recently. Now, for most people, you get ill, you feel rotters and then ‘poof’ as if by magic you’re out the other side. I get ill, feel rotters, start feeling like life is pretty sweet and ‘POOF’ my back and hip take immediate strike action. It’s just a thing.Call it a quirk.

In the past, I would have called in sick for the week (maybe even pronounced myself dead) and sulked and moped around the house insisting I need to start making funeral arrangements.

This week, I’ve dragged my rotting carcass out of bed, to the OJ and my iron supplements and then into my car and off to work.

I am woman! Hear me roar!



Please note, that felt incredible stupid of an idea when the first call I took on Monday morning. ‘So Sorry, Little Todd-the-Turd won’t be in school today. He has the sniffles’.




Side note- Todd-the-Turd does not exist. He is a made up student I pin stupid crap our real students do on so I can talk about them in public. He also has a sister- Tina.

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